Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Zack, the president of ABC Company, falsified documents to make it appear as if he had been granted stock options on certain dates

Which of the following is the secretive and wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal property of another with the intent to permanently deprive the rightful owner of its use or possession? 
A. Robbery
B. Burger
C. Larceny
D. Arson
E. Criminal fraud

Which of the following is the intentional burning of another's dwelling? 
A. Robbery
B. Burglary
C. Larceny
D. Arson
E. Criminal fraud

Which of the following serves to combat bribery of foreign officials? 
A. The Foreign Official Bribery Act
B. The International Bribery Prohibition Act
C. The Fair Business Act
D. The International Fair Business Practices Act
E. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Which of the following is the making of threats for the purpose of obtaining money or property? 
A. Bribery
B. Criminal Fraud
C. Extortion
D. Both bribery and extortion
E. Importation

Which of the following is the making of an entry into the books of a bank or corporation that is designed to represent the existence of funds that do not exist? 
A. False entry
B. Defalcation
C. False pretenses
D. Ponzi scheme
E. Pretexting

Which of the following is a false document or sign of existence used to perpetrate fraud, such as making counterfeit money? 
A. False entries
B. False token
C. False pretenses
D. Ponzi scheme
E. Pretexting

Which of the following is the misappropriation of trust funds or money held in a fiduciary capacity? 
A. False entries
B. Defalcation
C. False pretenses
D. Ponzi scheme
E. Pretexting

Which of the following is an investment swindle in which high profits are promised from fictitious sources and early investors are paid off with funds raised from later investors? 
A. False entries
B. False token
C. False pretenses
D. Ponzi scheme
E. Pretexting

Which of the following is using fraudulent means to obtain information about someone's phone use? 
A. Pretexting
B. Ponzi scheme
C. False pretenses
D. False token
E. Defalcation

Zack, the president of ABC Company, falsified documents to make it appear as if he had been granted stock options on certain dates, and he selected the dates after the fact, picking dates on which the stock price was low. Which of the following offenses, if any, did he commit? 
A. Insider trading
B. Pretexting
C. Defalcation
D. Stock option backdating
E. He did not commit any offense

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